Reputation Management


    • Request reviews on 100+ sites 
      Capture NPS®, feedback, reviews, and surveys 
    • Branded emails and SMS review requests 
    • TextBack, the industry’s first inbound SMS solution 
    • Monitor reviews on 50+ sites and Google Q&A

    • Manage by brand, region, state, and location 
    • Reply to customer feedback and reviews
    • Full Reporting Suite
      Insights AI powered by IBM Watson®
    • Robust customer profiles
      Tagging, themes, and trends

    • Review widget display of your reputation and ratings
      Brand, location, and service review widgets 
    • Social media image creation and posting
    • Local SEO and Google My Business optimization
    • Reputation powered conversion tools

Review and reputation management involves monitoring, influencing, and maintaining the perception and feedback of a brand, product, or individual across various online platforms and offline channels. It focuses on actively managing online reviews, social media mentions, customer feedback, and other forms of public opinion to shape a positive reputation and mitigate potential damage.

Key aspects of review and reputation management include:

  1. Monitoring: Regularly monitoring online platforms, review websites, social media channels, and other relevant sources to track mentions, reviews, and feedback about the brand or individual. This helps in identifying both positive and negative sentiment and addressing issues promptly.
  2. Responding: Engaging with customers and users who leave reviews or provide feedback, whether positive or negative. Responding promptly and professionally to reviews demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and can help resolve any issues or address concerns.
  3. Review generation: Actively encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on various platforms. This can be done through email campaigns, incentives, or by making the review process convenient and accessible.
  4. Reputation enhancement: Implementing strategies to enhance the overall reputation of the brand or individual. This may involve promoting positive stories, showcasing customer testimonials, highlighting achievements, and leveraging social proof to build trust and credibility.
  5. Damage control: Swiftly addressing negative reviews or feedback by acknowledging the issue, apologizing if necessary, and offering a solution or resolution. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and can help mitigate the impact of negative sentiment.
  6. SEO optimization: Optimizing online content and profiles to ensure that positive information ranks higher in search engine results. This can involve creating high-quality content, leveraging keywords, and optimizing online profiles to enhance visibility and promote positive narratives.
  7. Competitor analysis: Monitoring the online reputation of competitors to gain insights, identify trends, and benchmark against industry standards. Understanding how others are managing their reputation can provide valuable information for improvement and differentiation.

Overall, review and reputation management is a proactive approach to maintain and enhance the public perception of a brand, product, or individual. By actively managing online reviews, engaging with customers, and implementing strategies to influence public opinion, organizations and individuals can build a positive reputation, foster trust, and ultimately drive business success.